Literature About Conservatism
Genel Olarak Muhafazakârlık
Ashford, N. & Davies, S. (ed.), A dictionary of conservative and libertarian
thought (1991)
Cecil, H., Conservatism (1912)
Clark, D., Conservatism (1950)
Cliteur, P.B., Conservatisme en cultuurrecht. Over de fundering van recht in
rechtsbeginselen. (1989)
Couwenberg, S.W., De strijd tussen progressiviteit en conservatisme (1959)
Covell, C., The redefinition of conservatism (1986)
Devigne, R., Recasting conservatism (1994)
Dunk, H.W. von der, Conservatisme (1976)
Frohnen, B., Virtue and the promise of conservatism (1993)
Fryer, R.G., Recent conservative political thought (1979)
Harbour, W.R., The foundations of conservative thought (1982)
Hogg, Q., The conservative case (1959)
Honderich, T., Conservatism (1990)
Kekes, J., A case for conservatism (1998)
Kinneging, A.A.M., 'Conservatisme versus Verlichtingsdenken' in: Philosophia
Reformata, volume 65 (2000), no. 2
Kirk, R., The conservative mind (1954)
Kirk, R. (ed.), The portable conservative reader (1984)
Kondylis, P., Konservatismus. Geschichtlicher Gehalt und Untergang (1986)
Kristol, I., Neo-conservatism, selected essays 1949-1995 (1995)
Mannheim, K., Konservatismus (1984). Ook als Conservatism (1986)
Miner, B., The concise conservative encyclopedia (1996)
Minogue, K., Conservative realism (1996)
Muller, J., Conservatism (1997)
Nisbet, R., Conservatism: dream and reality (1986)
Oakeshott, M., 'On being conservative' in: Rationalism in politics (1991)
Schrenk-Notzing, C. von (red.), Lexikon des Konservatismus (1996)
Scruton, R., The meaning of conservatism (1980)
Scruton, R. (ed.), Conservative texts (1991)
Scruton, R., De betekenis van het conservatisme (2001)
Spruyt, B.J., Lof van het conservatisme (2003)
O'Sullivan, N., Conservatism (1976)
Tannsjo, T., Conservatism for our time (1990)
Viereck, P., Conservatism revisited: the revolt against revolt (1959)
Willetts, D., Modern Conservatism (1992)
Wilson, F.G., The case for conservatism (1951)
İngiltere'de Muhafazakârlık
Blake, R., The Conservative Party from Peel to Churchill
Hearnshaw, F.J.C., Conservatism in England (1933)
Quinton, A., The politics of imperfection: the religious and secular traditions
of conservative thought in England from Hooker to Oakeshott (1978)
Viereck, P., Conservatism. From John Adams to Churchill (1956)
Birleşik Devletlerde Muhafazakârlık
Dunn, C.W. & Woodard, J.D., The conservative tradition in America (1993)
East, J.P., The American conservative movement (1986)
Kendall, W., The conservative affirmation in America (1985)
Nash, G.H., The conservative intellectual movement in America since 1945 (1976)
Rossiter, C., Conservatism in America, the thankless persuasion (1955)
Almanya'da Muhafazakârlık
Epstein, K., The genesis of German conservatism (1966)
Klemperer, K. von, Germany's new conservatism (1957)
Mohler, A., Die konservative Revolution in Deutschland (1950)