Along with the creation of humanity, there has always been a close relationship
between beliefs and medical practices. In many societies, even in
the most primitive tribes or belief systems, clergymen also served as healers
or physicians. In true religions, the Prophets guided mankind about the
motives of personal and social life, as well as being a communicator of divine
orders. They have been truly exemplary by applying the principles that
will ensure the material and spiritual well-being of humans, that is, the
health of the soul and body, and bring happiness to both the world and the
hereafter, and in accordance with the principles of the Sharia they represent.
In a sense, the Prophets have laid the foundations of preventive medicine
and have become a role-model in terms of living in accordance with
the creation of human. In addition to eating, drinking, sleeping, working,
family life, domestic relationships, habits of living, belief has a very determining
effect on concepts such as attitude towards illness and death, treatment
and healing. Even today, the need for religious references in the acceptance
of some modern medical practices by the society reveals that the
relationship between religion and medicine is an indispensable interaction
that continues in every age.
Careful and rightfull investigator people of every century have determined
the high truths of our Quran, which is a healing and mercy for the
believers, that surround all the times and places and presented them for the
benefit of humanity. In this sense, the genius imams of every century, who
became the heirs of the prophet, educted the generous principles from the
Qur’an which would be an ointment to the material and spiritual wounds
of their century. As one of these people, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, the great
Qur’an commentator of our century, via his book collection ‘Risale-i Nur’,
presented his prescriptions those will be the healing for the material and
spiritual diseases of this century people, as well as the basic principles such
as Tawheed, prophethood, justice and resurrection from the Qur’an’s Pharmacy.
The humanity that faces to the difficult questions such as “”What am
I, Where did I come from, Where am I going, What is my duty in this world?” sought persuasive, clear and detailed answers to these questions
with the help of the sciences and religious knowledge. However, in the
journey to get to know self and the universe, the approaches chosing only
the way of reason and science and ignoring the revelation and spirituality
deceived mankind with knowledge, and increased the doubts in his mind,
and condemned him to darkness. In addition, the bigoted approach that
tries to get to know the Creator only through religious sciences has ignored
the science, which is the inventor of divine laws, divine practice, divine acts,
dominical acts and divine manifestations; so it could not satisfy the humanity
in getting to know God and lost his direction from time to time.
At this point, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi, who pointed to the age we are in
with the phrase “the future dominated by reason, science and wisdom” has
explained and proved the answers of the questions mentioned above in the
most convincing and satisfying way.
In this context, from the perspective of medical science, it can be seen
that Risale-i Nur involves very original findings in dozens of subjects such
as “the secrets of creation, the true nature of man, the divine names manifested
in man; the ultimate and truth of science and art of medicine, the
paths from medical science to faith and the divine unity; the universe from
the point of view of the medical science, genetic science from the Qur’anic
point of view; the basis of the medical profession, the wisdom and consequences
of diseases; the senses controlling man and their extreme, least and
moderate levels; mental health of children, adolescents, women and the elderly;
ways to deal with emotion such as suspicion, anxiety, fear, stress; man
in the face of death; the effects of worship on mental and physical health;
material and spiritual nutrition and their effects on human temperament;
the medical aspect of the prophetic mission and the Sunna and medical
We have included some of the presentations in “The Risale-i Nur and
Medical Congress” held in Konya into the previous issue in order to reveal
these Qur’anic and prophetic truths within the framework of the approach
in Risale-i Nur.
In this issue, we share some of the presentations presented at the same
congress. You can also find the english texts of the declarations presented
at the congress together with the study titled “Health Sciences and Risale-
i Nur” prepared by the Risale-i Nur Institute in this issue. While leaving
you alone with our magazine, we hope to be here with a different subject
in our next issue.